· protein supplements,best protein powder,best whey protien,protein powders

Muscles are not just a darling of bodybuilders, or athletes, but also of ordinary man and woman. We may not realize but loose muscle mass creates hurdles in carrying daily tasks. Fatigues, lack of energy, lack of strength are a result of poor muscles. Hence, maintain good if not blazing muscles is crucial for each human being. Talking about that, the easiest trail to gaining good muscles is consumption of the best protein for muscle gain. Scroll down to know the details.

best protein for muscle gain


The best protein for muscle gain has gathered enough attention, and the reason is pretty simple... it is the building block of the human life. Protein is not any macronutrient but the largest of all. It is vital for maintaining, growing, and building healthy and strong muscles. Protein looks after the structure, function, and regulation of human body’s tissues and organs.

Although protein can be found in a wide variety of foods such as meat, fish, eggs, nuts, and dairy products, and also in legumes, grains, and dietary supplements. But protein from diet is a slow and difficult process, hence the better option is to resort to the best protein for muscle gain.

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In the discussion of protein, it is incumbent to mention the right dosage of protein. As per the on- going Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR) for protein adults should acquire between 10 to 35% of their energy needs from protein. On a general basis, adults should try to take at least 0.8 g of protein per kg of their body weight per day. For an adult who weighs 68 kg (150 lbs), should take about 54 g of protein per day.

Although these are the general guidelines for protein consumption. But dietary needs for protein differs from individual to individual. Factors that determine the dietary needs of protein include:


Certain health conditions

Physical activity level

Pregnancy and lactation

Sex (20)


Since the issue is about the best protein for muscle gain, it’s worth mentioning the right protein dosage for muscle building. Athletes and individuals who participate in high physical activities or try to gain muscle mass definitely need additional protein in their diets. Various nutrition experts recommend that physically active individuals should consume between 1.2 to 2.0 g/kg/day of protein. For instance, an individual weighing 68 kg (150 lbs) should try to consume 81 to 136 g of protein per day.

protein powder for muscle gain

In the context to building muscles, a positive caloric intake is necessary. Single bouts of exercise, you see, can stimulate muscle protein synthesis. However, with inadequate ingestion of food, there can be a negative balance between muscle protein synthesis and breakdown. As a result, the existing muscles can be degraded and used for fuel.

For growing muscle and improving muscle strength it is best to combine protein supplementation with resistance training. It has been observed that increased muscular strength is most common in resistance training s compared to aerobic training.


Deficiency of any kind is dangerous, and protein deficiency is no different. Protein is vital for the human body’s strengthen, and it’s sustainable health. Protein deficiency can become a serious concern, especially when it occurs in children. It can lead to malnutrition, and various health problems which is certainly life threatening. The diseases that protein deficiency causes are:

Weak muscle tone

Skin lesions

Edema or swelling due to fluid retention

Thin, brittle hair

In adults, a loss of muscle mass

In children, growth deficits

Hormone imbalances

The primary reasons behind protein deficiency includes:

· Certain genetic conditions

· An eating disorder

· Advanced stages of cancer

· Difficulty absorbing nutrients due to a stomach health issue

If you do not want more troubles in your life, then it’s recommended to choose the best protein for muscle gain, and keep your protein count intact. Here is a small tip, use protein supplements from the beginning.


The best protein for muscle gain is best because of the scientific manufacturing processes that it involves. There are three kinds of manufacturing process for protein powders namely protein concentrates, protein isolates, and protein hydrolysates. Here is a short intro to them:

Protein concentrates: Protein concentrates are produced by extracting protein from whole food via the process of heat, acid or enzymes. Protein concentrates usually renders 60–80% protein, while the remaining 20–40% is composed of fat and carbs.

Protein isolates: Protein isolates take a step ahead by using additional filtering process. Protein isolates do not contain much fat and carbs. Protein isolate powders, therefore, offer about 90–95% protein.

Protein hydrolysates: Protein hydrolysates are the most advanced form of the best protein for muscle gain. They are produced by using further heating with acid or enzymes, which then breaks the bonds between amino acids. Protein hydrolysates are absorbed more quickly by your body and muscles. Protein hydrolysates raises insulin levels more than other forms, especially in the case of whey protein. This will enhance your muscle growth if followed by exercise.

The best part of protein powders is that they are fortified with vitamins and minerals, especially calcium. They work wonders for athletes and people who regularly lift weights. Regular consumption of protein powders help to maximize muscle gain and fat loss. The best protein for muscle gain is also helpful for those individuals who cannot meet their daily protein needs with food alone. This crowd of people involves sick persons, older adults and some vegetarians or vegans.


The best protein for muscle gain comes with befitting benefits. The most important of which are:

benefits of protein powder

Feeling full:

Consumption of high proteins via dietary supplements helps people to feel fuller for a longer time. The feeling of fullness tends to result in smaller portion sizes and less frequent snacking. As a result of which a person maintains a healthy weight and even shed some kilos when necessary. In a recent report, whey protein supplements have proven to be of highest benefit. They help you to maintain body weight and total fat mass in those people who are overweight or obese. Whey protein also helps to reduce blood pressure, total cholesterol, and various other risk factors for cardiovascular diseases.

Muscle growth

But obvious, the best protein for muscle gain helps in muscle growth. It contains protein which is kind a like oxygen to muscle growth. It is crucial for the survival of your muscles. Majority of athletes and gym enthusiasts depend upon protein shakes, these drinks help them to instantly bulk up after strength after training, and keep their muscles intact.

A recent experiment supports the effectiveness of the use of protein supplementation for muscle growth. It recommends that the protein supplements significantly improve muscle size and muscle strength in healthy adults who regularly perform resistance exercise training, such as lifting weights.

The best part of protein supplementation is that it is equally effective in men and women. Now, since the effectiveness may decrease with age, older adults need to have consume more protein than younger people.

Recovery after exercise

The best protein for muscle gain contributes a lot to recovery of muscles post an excruciating exercise. It tends to muscle growth, as well as helps to repair damaged muscles and muscle tissues. As a result, many athletes use protein powder to speed up their recovery from muscle soreness after they are done with exercise.

Experts say that taking protein supplements post an exercise can aid recovery by not only bringing down muscle damage but also uplifting muscle performance and muscle protein synthesis.

Added nutrition

Lastly, the best protein for muscle gain is loaded various macro and micro nutrients, which makes it a wholesome ingredient. Where people find it challenging to meet their daily nutrition amounts, especially vegetarians, it is best to take protein powder for it offers an easy solution to the problem.

Athletes, weight lifters, older adults, and people with a chronic illness need extra nutrients, both macro and micro, which is why muscle gaining protein supplementation is best for them.


Time to reveal sources of the best protein for muscle gain. Here are several important types of protein powder, amongst which the most popular protein supplement is whey. Let us grab a few details about them:

Whey: Whey is the water-soluble milk protein. It is the milk residual left after the process of curdling is over. Whey is very popular among athletes. It is a holistic protein, which contains all the amino acids that is required by the human body. Moreover human body can quickly and easily absorb whey protein.

Casein: Casein is a companion of whey. It is also a milk protein. Casein is a type of protein which is rich in glutamine, an amino acid that uplifts the muscle recovery post an exercise. Casein comes from dairy, hence some vegans do not take it. Casein takes time to be digested by the human body, hence it is best to take it at night.

Soy: Soy protein is the best substitute to whey or casein for all the vegetarians. It is for those people who do not consume dairy products, and is rich in all the essential amino acids.

Pea: Various plant-based protein powders are sourced from pea protein, which, in turn is a high-quality alternative to soy- and dairy-based proteins. Pea protein is seen as a good source of the amino acid arginine.

Hemp: Hemp seeds are also for vegans. Hemp completes proteins that also contain essential fatty acids. Hemp makes up an excellent choice for vegans or those with dairy or soy allergies.

Protein powders vary in price and quality, but they give you the luxury to choose your favourite flavours.

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The best protein for muscle gain have the following factors that determines it’s effectiveness:

Complete or ideal proteins: The muscle gaining protein supplements are complete in sense that they have all essential amino acids in the body. Human body, you see, can produce only some amino acids, not all of them. Hence it is given via supplements. There are nine amino acids that the human body cannot produce on its own. They are termed as essential amino acids and incorporate histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine. The muscle gaining protein supplements have all of these essential amino acids along with other high quality nutrients. Often the plant-based protein supplements do not have complete proteins, hence it is best to take those protein supplements which are sourced from animal or dairy stuff.

High-protein diet: Next, the best protein for muscle gain contains high proteins. It works as a substitute of a meal. A complete protein diet is difficult to gain from food hence supplementation becomes the easiest resort. As per experts’ recommendation, 10 to 35 percent of daily calories come from protein. Usually, people cannot even get close to the 35 percent mark. At the most they reach about 12 to 18 percent of their calories as protein. Thus as per the mostly recommended high-protein diet plans one must go for intakes in the upper levels of the recommended spectrum. Some aim for 29 percent, while others go for 30 percent, but the ultimate aim is to stay close to the ideal- thirty five mark. High protein muscle gaining supplements are therefore advisable for bodybuilders, athletes, and all those who want to shed weight. Various studies and experiments attest that high-protein supplementation leads to healthy weight loss.

Timing: Of course, timing is crucial. The best protein for muscle gain gives good results when taken at small intervals. People should learn to space out their protein correctly. They must focus on getting protein at each meal. Hence, the consumption of protein supplements within the first hour of waking up and then continuing it at every 4 to 6 hours renders best effect. Experts say it all the time that how getting enough protein at adequate intervals is helpful in increasing the muscle mass and overall health in long term. 

Ideal Protein diet: An ideal protein supplementation is none but that of the best protein for muscle gain. The reasons being that it is a low-carbohydrate, low-calorie, high-protein diet which endeavours to help in weight loss. It provides the human body with the right amount and every kind of protein. This intake also stabilizes blood sugar. The results rest upon four phases, where in the first three phases, the consumers eat at least one proportioned of the pre packaged ideal protein meal per day, then the doses decrease eventually. It is during phase one where most of the weight loss takes place.

Protein and calories: Lastly, the muscle gaining protein supplements are the best and the most rich source of calories. They generally contains protein, carbohydrates, and 4 calories per gram. Going by recent scientific facts, ten to thirty five percent of an adult’s daily calories come from protein.

To conclude, the best protein for muscle gain is worth spending your money on, because it lets you protect your biggest asset, your health!