· amino energy
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Amino acid supplements are the basis of protein. They are the building blocks of protein. There are three types of amino acids: essential (that are not produced in the body), non-essential (that are already produced in the human body), and conditional amino acids (that are produced only in certain conditions). Amino acids are twenty in number out of which nine are essential amino acids. It is these essential amino acids that are manufactured in the form of supplements.  


This blog will walk you through the five tips to buy the best amino acid supplements.  

Amino Acid Ratio: The most important point when you buy an amino acid supplement is to check the amino acid ratio. For instance, in BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids), you must see the ratio of leucine, isoleucine, and valine. It will help in maximizing muscle gain. The ideal ratio of leucine, isoleucine, and valine is 2:1:1. This is so because leucine is more important than isoleucine and valine. It plays an important role in protein synthesis. Valine and isoleucine, on the other hand, have different roles. Leucine helps in the burning of fat. Valine helps in reducing mental stress by managing the levels of tryptophan and serotonin. Valine gives you more energy too.  

Serving Size: Next, check the serving size of the amino acid supplement. How many grams of each nutrient will you get in your amino acid supplement. 

Ingredients: An amino acid supplement contains various sorts of ingredients. You must see the other contents apart from an amino acid in the supplement. See if it contains the essential amino acids like tryptophan or threonine. Or does it contain electrolytes for helping with hydration? See the sweeteners of the supplement, whether it's natural or artificial. Does it contain sugar or glycogen? 

Suitability: Check your suitability for the ingredients. In case you are allergic to certain ingredients then double-check the supplement.  

Testing: Be sure that the supplement that you choose is tested. Buy a supplement that is tested by a third party. A lot of manufacturers put harmful ingredients in the supplement. So do check its testing. 


Muscle Growth: Amino acid supplements are highly beneficial for muscle growth. They aid in the development of muscles. The amino acid, leucine especially stimulates muscle protein synthesis.  

Muscle Soreness: Amino acid supplements reduce muscle soreness. They effectively reduce muscle soreness after a workout. Soreness post-workout is often referred to as delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). It develops 12 to 24 hours after exercise and lasts up to 72 hours. DOMS arises due to tiny tears in the muscles. Amino acid supplements can reduce this muscle soreness by reducing protein breakdown.  

Exercise Fatigue: Amino acid supplements also reduce exercise fatigue. During exercise, the amino acids are all used up and the blood level decreases. With extra amino supplementation, there is a reduction in fatigue. It reduces mental fatigue and improves overall exercise performance. Amino acid supplements also improve mood. They reduce mental stress.  

Muscle Wasting: Amino acid supplementation reduces muscle wasting. It decreases muscle breakdown. Amino supplements maintain a balance between muscle breakdown and muscle synthesis. We know that muscle protein constantly breaks and rebuilds. Amino acid supplements make sure that the balance between the two is maintained. Thereby it reduces the risk of muscle wasting or breakdown.  

Liver Disease: Amino supplements help people with liver disease. It improves the health of people who have cirrhosis. It is a chronic disease where the liver does not function properly. Amino supplementation can reduce the growth of this liver disease.