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Excess sugar is often used as a synonym for poison. Sure, sugar is necessary for the body, but only to a limit, and only in an organic way. Taking baked, sugary stuff or all those junk food with artificial sweeteners is absolutely hazardous for health. Here is a list of the scary things that can happen to your body when you consume too much sugar 


Weight gain- The much famous effect of sugar on the human body is weight gain. Various studies depict that increased sugar intake can lead to obesity. Even soft drinks are hazardous for they are sweetened with artificial sweeteners. Soda is especially harmful. It increases immense weight gain, which further leads to diabetes, fractures, and dental caries. On consuming excess sugar, the body converts it into fatty acid, which is then stored in the adipose fatty cells, mainly in the hips, thighs, arms, and stomach. Hence, weight gain.  

Tooth decay- Sugar can also lead to tooth decay. The waste product (acid) that is caused by sugar interacting with the surface of your teeth leads to cavities.  

Skin problems- Oh yes, sugary items can cause skin problems. Chocolate causes acne is a common notion. Various scientists have proven the connection between consuming dairy and foods with high glycemic indexes with skin problems.  

Increased sugar cravings- Eat sugar, crave sugar. The more sugary products you consume, the more will be your craving for the same. Usually, when you eat a lot of sugar, your brain releases the chemical, dopamine which makes you feel good. Hence, you become addicted or inclined to eat more sugary products.  

A risk of pre-diabetes- Needless to say, eating more sugary products will increase the risk of pre-diabetes. When you eat a product that contains glucose or carb building blocks, the body releases insulin. It helps the body to convert glucose into energy. Too much sugar will release extreme insulin which will develop hypoglycemia or insulin resistance. The result will be less absorption of glucose. Hence, the glucose will get accumulated in your bloodstream and liver. When followed by certain genetic and environmental factors, this can lead to pre-diabetes, and then diabetes. In order to prevent the risk of incurring diabetes, take foods with more protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrate foods that contain fiber. With such foods, you can avoid blood sugar spikes and insulin responses, hence less risk of obesity and pre-diabetes.  

Depression and anxiety- As has been mentioned above, sugar intake leads to the release of dopamine, which is a feel-good hormone. It helps to reduce depression and anxiety in a way. However, researchers have found that high starchy and sugary foods can lead to increased inflammation. High inflammation in turn stimulates depression and high-stress levels. Sugary products can lead to inflammation throughout the body, even in the brain. It leads to stress, anxiety, and depression.

Heart disease- Various studies depict that consumption of too many sugary items can cause heart disease. Sugar increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. It was found in a study that people who took 17% to 21% of their calories from added sugar, especially sugary beverages like soda, faced a 38% higher risk of cardiovascular disease mortality.  

Liver disease- It has also been found that sugar intake can cause liver disease. Consumption of too much sugar goes to the bloodstream and liver. It is here that glucose is absorbed and sugar levels are stabilized to handle. Chronic malabsorption of sugar will increase the risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). The result is the abuse and scarring of the liver. NASH liver disease is actually a silent disease because its symptoms do not appear until it is too late. NASH is linked with poor eating habits and obesity. 

Moreover, with more sugary intake, your brain fails to tell when the body gets full. When the brain fails to tell how if you are full, you can eat more, the result will be obesity. Too much sugar will likely lead you to overeat because of the "empty calories" from overindulging in sweets. Various studies depict that foods with high saturated fats and refined sugars can hamper the brain's signal to your body that you're full.

Memory problems/dementia- Furthermore, too much sugar intake can affect your memory. It may lead to memory loss and dementia. Sugary products directly affect our brain's ability to retain short and long-term memories. The result is decreased cognitive ability. Various studies have proven the link between high blood sugar and the progression of dementia or Alzheimer's disease. We all are familiar with sugar causing obesity, diabetes, and heart diseases. But only a few know the effect of sugar on mental health. Increased risk of Alzheimer’s and Dementia is a cause of concern. So, it is best to limit your sugar intake.