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Dietary supplements are different macro and micronutrients manufactured in the form of pills, powders, bars, and liquid. They reduce deficiencies and suffice your daily nutrient needs. Since today’s hectic lifestyle makes it difficult to take a balanced meal daily, hence switching to nutrition and supplementation is the best option. I am going to guide you on six facts necessary to consider before starting any nutrition and supplementation.


1. Supplements can’t replace a healthy diet and exercise- The foremost thing to note is that supplements are an addition, and support to your diet, not a meal replacement. For best results, take supplements along with a healthy diet, regular exercise, and restful sleep. Supplements do not replace meals, rather they fill in nutritional gaps and improve your health. For instance,

  • Folic acid is helpful for women who are planning to get pregnant or are pregnant 
  • Vitamin B12 boosts energy and improves gastrointestinal health. They are recommended for vegans since they do not take animal products 
  • Vitamin D3, calcium, magnesium, and vitamin K reduce the risk of osteoporosis 
  • Fish oils which are the main source of omega-three fatty acids help in keeping your heart and brain healthy 
  • Vitamin E controls fatty liver 
  • Glucosamine and chondroitin are beneficial for reducing osteoporosis 
  • Melatonin is good for sleep 
  • Vitamin C and zinc strengthen your immunity and thereby reduce the risk of colds

2. Consult your physician- The next thing to note before starting any supplementation is to consult your physician. Often supplements can interfere with certain medications, especially in the case of chronic diseases. For instance, excess calcium can accumulate in the arteries and lead to coronary artery disease. Similarly, niacin can elevate blood sugar in diabetic people. Next, vitamin C and iron should be avoided by patients with hemochromatosis. Hence, it is necessary to first consult a doctor.

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3. Validation by clinical trials- With the latest research, it has been found that various supplements are actually validated by clinical trials. There is enough longstanding evidence about supplements like plant sterols, omega-3 fatty acids, niacin, vitamin B6 and B12, and tree nuts.

4. Some supplements have high-risk drug interactions- Certain supplements can interact with your medications. Thereby they can increase the risk of having side effects. One of the most common side effects of supplements is causing liver injury. Other times, supplements (like fish oils, vitamin K, and ginkgo Biloba) can decrease the blood’s ability to clot. In fact, excess vitamin E can also increase the chances of hemorrhage or uncontrolled bleeding. Similarly, excessive vitamin D can lead to poor appetite, weight loss, and heart arrhythmias.

6. Taking more supplements doesn’t necessarily translate to better health- Lastly, taking dietary supplements does not guarantee better health. Yes, supplements have higher chances of improving your health but there is no surety. In the words of Dr. Hausig, 

“There isn’t as much quality control with dietary supplements as there is with drugs that are regulated by the FDA.”

Consumers must be well aware of the dietary supplements that they are choosing. They must carry out thorough research about the supplements. Read the label, check the ingredient, and see that they do not contain any such elements to which you are allergic. You can even check the manufacturing details, and reviews online.