Often mass gainers are associated with increasing weight solely, while the reality is that mass gainers, like any other dietary supplement, cater to the maintenance of nutrients in the human body. The serious mass protein powder, for instance, is wholesome in nature. It is one of the best supplements to make you healthy from the inside.


muscle mass gainer

Mass gainers, be it the serious mass protein powder, or any other mass supplement, are defined as high-calorie shakes. They contain a good dose of high protein, fats, and carbs, all of which renders high calories. These calories are usually sourced from easily digested starchy carbs, namely maltodextrin, as it is good for the digestion of bulking diets without letting you have any stomach issues. Mass gainer protein powders will offer you at least 1200 calories, enough to gain healthy weight.

Amongst all mass gainers, serious mass protein powder is highly opted by the bodybuilders. It gives a boost to their calorie intake and let them maintain a calorie surplus. Add to that, a serious mass also boosts your metabolism which further promotes your weight gain and muscle growth. 


The serious mass protein powder has been ranked as number one amongst all mass gainers. It is the most opted and most trusted mass gainer. The three primary ingredients of this protein powder namely protein, carbohydrates, and fat offer as high as 500-1,000 calories per serving.

Serious mass protein powder has other advantages as well. When taken as a drink, it replaces a meal. Serious mass is also very convenient, since it involves no cooking. Next, it is high quality, in sense, there is a proper balance of carbs, protein, and fat. Let me tell you a secret tip, to enjoy faster results, take serious mass gainer along with a balanced diet, and regular fitness exercises. 


serious mass gainer

The ON serious mass protein powder has got such high followers and customers because of it’s notable characteristics:

The serious mass is technically a protein powder, with the highest calorie count, that being, 1500 calories;

Serious mass protein powder involves a combo of macro and micro nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, digestive enzymes, and vitamins;

The high constituency of carbs in serious mass helps to instantly boost energy, and aid a quicker absorption of sugars such as glucose and maltose;

Moreover, mass gainers are very convenient to consume. They can be stored up for a long time;

Serious mass gainers are available in various flavours which can lets you enjoy a scrumptious shakes;

Serious mass protein powder is a dietary supplement that offers dual roles. It lets you achieve weight gain, as well as increase your muscle mass. The serious mass is also essential in completing the nutritional constituency of the human body;

Furthermore, serious mass gainer is quite rich in calorie, and hence becomes the ultimate protein powder to promote weight gain;

Serious mass gainer is synonymous to a healthy and balanced diet;

Mass gainers also offer low levels of protein and high levels of carbohydrates and fats so as to increase your gain.


The ON serious mass protein powder involves a lot of healthy macro and micro ingredients. Together these nutrients make your body strong. Here is a list of mass gainer’ ingredients:

-The primary ingredient of a serious mass gainer is obviously carbohydrates, which further leads to calories.

-The second important ingredient is protein. It is extracted from various plants and animal sources, such as casein, egg white, milk protein isolate, pea, hemp, whey, soy, etc.

-The carbs present in a serious mass protein powder is sourced from maltodextrin which is extracted from wheat, rice, corn, and occasionally tapioca. All these sources help you to keep the sugar relatively low and in the case of rice and tapioca, free from gluten.

-Other ingredients generally include one or the other vitamin or mineral.

-Mass gainers, by rendering a big dose of calorie are synonymous to a meal replacement shake than others.

-Serious mass gainers, furthermore, adds in fiber, creatine, fats, along with carbs to your body


Carbs is the highlight of the serious mass protein powder. There are various reasons why serious mass powders have such a high content of carbs. These reasons include:

The foremost reason is that carbs works as the primary energy source. It helps all those people who are indulged in heavy exercise to quickly loose fat loss for the purpose of bodybuilding, because bodybuilding, as we know, requires a lot of energy, and calorie is the basic unit of energy. It is derived from carbs, hence such importance.

Next, carbs cover the nutrient content of bodybuilders and athletes since they tend to loose nutrients. Loss of nutrients weakens their immunity, and to overcome this issue, one must consume serious mass protein powder on a regular basis. It is the best solution to uplift your carbs and quickly recover your muscles as well as increase the glycogen store in your body.

Furthermore, carbs are essential to help your body to perform better at training at the given intensity. Also, it offers the necessary volume to maximize the potential muscle gain

Lastly, the calorie coming through carbs is healthy in serious mass gainers. It is a protein powder that differs in calories, while the range may differ from 500 to 1,500 per serving. Whether you need high calories or less, serious mass protein varieties got you covered.


benefits of mass gainer

Rise in calorie: Calorie increase is the foremost perk of a serious mass protein powder. It is rich in calories, and boosts your total calorie level. Calorie helps you to gain strength, weight, and instant energy.  Protein supplements, alone, will not increase your mass. You need a mass gainer that contains a good mix of carbs, and fats along with protein to maintain excess calorie which as the main requisite of weight gain. Mass gainers help you enjoy a calorie surplus.

Macro nutrients: The serious mass protein powder offers you calories, a crucial macro nutrient, manufactured from the best sources because source matters. In a serious mass gainer supplement, the calories originate from high quality macronutrients. With that characteristic mass gainers help you to maintain a balanced intake of every macronutrient. A serious mass gainer is equivalent to a calorie-rich meal. It consists of fruits and vegetables and is therefore healthier in comparison to a calorie-rich snack of chips that hardly have any nutritional benefits. With so many tasks to cover, so many responsibilities on our shoulders, one must definitely maintain a balanced healthy diet regime, which comes from none else but serious mass gainer.

The serious mass gainer protein powder provides just an appropriate amount of high-quality macronutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, and fat. It typically surpasses the calorie content of the whole meal, and saves you from mindless snacking.

Convenient Way To Consume Macros: The serious mass gainer protein powder is a very convenient way to consume macros. It is available in powder form, and lasts long. Mass gainers, therefore, help you to take large macronutrient rich meal on a regular basis plus they are free from the feeling of bloating in stomach. Mass gainers can be easily digested, especially the whey protein mass gainers because whey is less in lactose. It is recommended to consume mass gainer early in the morning as it lets you enjoy an instant calorie/ energy boost and keeps you fuelled for the whole day.

Let’s You Track Your Macro Intake: The next advantage of a serious mass protein powder is that it makes you track your macros. Mass gainer makes it easy for you to count on your calorie intake and measure the exact macros through whole foods. Moreover, mass gainer lets you track your macro intake via the serving sizes available. Hence protein, carbohydrates, and fat, are easily measurable with mass gainers.

All time perfect nutrition: The ultimate goal of serious mass protein powder is an all time perfect nutrition. In the long run, mass gainers enhance your calorie and promote your muscle growth as well as muscle strength. Mass gainers render all time nutrition through protein molecule, which is the building block of the human body. Protein repairs and increases muscle growth. It also showers high carbohydrates, which is the primary energy source to fuel muscle recovery. Moreover, the carbs present in mass gainers boost your energy and immunity. It has enzymes that make the digestion of macros easy.


For serious mass protein powder to work effectively, take it at the right time in the right amount. As per expert’s recommendation, a skinny beginner should aim to gain somewhere between 0.5–1 pound per week. If a person fails to gain weight although he follows a heavy diet constantly and works out, then he must definitely switch to the consumption of mass gainer, that too, in high quantity. Bodybuilders, on the other hand, should consume mass gainer protein powder post an extensive exercise, because there are twofold advantages of mass gainer powder:

Anabolic post workout: Anabolic post-workout window is certainly the best time to gain a bunch of protein and calories. It is the best time to consume a ton of carbs, and gain maltodextrin. Serious mass also offers you carbohydrates along with maltodextrin, and maintains insulin level.

Meal: Furthermore, working out takes away a lot of energy and your time to enjoy a big meal after the workout. Bodybuilders lack time. Hence, sipping on a mass gainer while training and finishing the leftover liquid is a good option. Along with maintain your calories, it also works as a meal.

The best part of serious mass protein powder is that it does not befool you by instantly raising your weight. It gives you a decent increase say 0.5–1 pound per week. Furthermore, the serious mass gaining supplement will not flatten you. Rather it will offer you a calorie surplus that is appropriate for your body type.


Is a serious mass protein powder really effective? Amongst all mass gainers, this one, is definitely beneficial:

It has been scientifically proven that a serious mass protein powder contains ton of easily digested calories, which come from profound sources of protein and starchy carbs that helps in building muscles. Serious mass gainers are also helpful for having low fat content. It contains an easy set of calories which can be further converted into body fat.

Furthermore, serious mass protein powder offers normal amount of protein essential to completely spike muscle protein synthesis, that is, 7- 50 grams. Herein, mass gainers that has whey protein as a chief ingredient is better. It has a good quantity of protein molecules, say around 27 grams of protein. Whey protein is also the most common source of protein, all over the world. In this context, the concentrate form of whey protein is better, as it helps you gain healthy calories. Also, whey is less in lactose and it turns out to be an easily digestible supplement.

Next, the serious mass protein powder is rich in maltodextrin, which is fantastic for building muscles. Maltodextrin can be quickly digested, easily absorbed, and is thus taken as the perfect type of carb for boosting up muscle glycogen. In turn, maltodextrin helps one to speed up muscle growth. It is sourced organically from simple starch derived from corn, and is a lot similar to white rice.

An important point to note about carbs is that in some regions carbs are thought of being bad, and yes, it can be true for some people but not skinny guys. Carbs are in any case vital for all skinny guys, athletes, weight trainers, and muscle builders. Going by a recent study, consumption of extra calories from carbs is very beneficial for athletes and bodybuilders. Here is a fact check, an approximate of 45–65% of our calories from carbohydrates?

To conclude, serious mass protein powder with its complete set of protein, fats, and carbs is the best for gaining weight. The macronutrients present in it, namely protein and carbs together work as meal replacement. They keep you full, and also nourishes your body, and maintains a healthy metabolism. Various scientific studies have attested that serious mass gainers work as a substitute of meal. They are an effortless way to prepare for muscle gain. Mass gainers are also easy on our appetites because of the digestive enzymes that they incorporate, and of course mass gainers also up your calorie level. Thus it is fair enough to say that mass gainer is beneficial for helping skinny guys gain weight, as well as building muscles and rendering sustainable fitness.